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Uticran is a powerful dietary supplement designed
to help treat and control urinary tract infections. It contains cranberry extract in the concentration recommended by the World Health Organization for the treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections, urinary tract infections in diabetics, pregnant women and the elderly. It also contains vitaminC, vitamin D and vitamin E. It reduces the adhesion of bacteria to the walls of the bladder and urinary tract, providing relief from recurrent urinary tract infections and cystitis. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties, reducing the pH level to prevent bacterial growth, while vitamin D and vitamin E boost immunity to support rapid healing and prevent re-infection.

Take control of your digestive health-order Utikran now!

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30 Caps

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How to use

Prevents and treats recurrent urinary tract infections and cystitis Cranberry extract reduces bacterial adhesion Vitamin C regulates pH and inhibits bacterial growth Vitamin D boosts immunity Provides immediate relief and support for urinary tract health

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Prevents and treats recurrent urinary tract infections and cystitis Cranberry extract reduces bacterial adhesion Vitamin C regulates pH and inhibits bacterial growth Vitamin D boosts immunity Provides immediate relief and support for urinary tract health